Location: Canterbury, Kent, UK
Phone: 07765 623601
E-Mail: info@paladinnovations.co.uk
This immaculately constructed aluminium booth is the flag ship booth of Paladin Innovations.
This booth was originally constructed to demonstrate aluminium could be used effectively to construct a DJ booth and was not intended to be part of our product range, but due to popular demand we started production and this booth has been a best seller over the years.
Price: From £360.00
Paladin Innovations bring you the way forward in 6 foot DJ Booth Technology.
All our booths are constructed from lightweight extruded aluminium. The frames are cross-braced to give extra strength and stability. All catches and hinges are glued and riveted to give countless years of trouble-free use.
The 6ft booth is available in a few configurations:
– Booth frame only – £360.00
– Booth & Starcloth (Black Wool Serge with a choice of warm white or bright white LEDs) – £900.00
Customisations available on request
Case Shelf – £220.00
White Star Cloth Overlay – £150.00
Carry Bag – £130.00
Inside Upright Kit – £160.00 per side
Outside Upright Kit – £140.00 per side
S&H Starcloth LED Conversion – £210.00